Article 2 of 4 – Are Leaders Born or are Leaders Made?
We gotta ask – do the 1/3 genetics affect the other 2/3 which require some development?
Author and researcher Scott Shane explains; “If your genes predispose you to develop the right personality, temperament and cognitive skills to be a boss, you are going to be more likely to angle for leadership-opportunity-rich positions.” Shane concludes however that leaders are not born with those traits.
Genetic predisposition does have an influence on a person’s ability to lead according to Bruce Avolio, author of “Leadership Development in Balance: Made/Born” But because genetics are the fixed variable, Bruce suggests we focus on leadership development saying that “leading and learning must go hand in hand in order for people to reach their leadership potential.”
So what does all this mean?
Genetics truly have an impact on one’s ability to lead based on intelligence, personality and physiological capacity. But life events, experiences, opportunities to lead, training, education and work related activities have a far greater impact in shaping leadership development.
For the current executive, employer, manager, boss or parent, the “Leading Global Principles” course (which is currently in production) is ideal for the understanding of the entire leadership development picture. This will not only help you personally but it will help you as you work with others in their leadership development. From the introduction of the General Theory of Leadership in lesson one to the implementation of important leadership characteristics in lesson 14, you will be able to recognize potential in your emerging leaders and you will know just how to help them develop into powerful leaders. Leaders that can make positive things happen.
Born or Made? It doesn’t matter. Knowing that roughly two-thirds of leadership development is dependent on you, gives you a powerful incentive to place emphasis on leadership development. Through these 14 lessons you will acquire comprehensive tools to facilitate that leadership development.
Leadership development is dependent on commitment just as is any other expertise.
Just as a few of the genetic influences that do indeed affect leadership development, such as Personality, intelligence and physiology, – your physical size, shape and strength may pre-dispose you to excel in one sport or another. Due to genetics one person may be more naturally disposed to become a great musician or artist or scientist, but, without developing those talents or dispositions, we may never reach our potential and our contributions may be minimal. And even as an individual may not have those natural genetic dispositions, musical, artistic, scientific, athletic, or other skills, they are certainly not withheld if someone wants or needs to develop them. Etc.

So what about my young Kenyan, if we assume she has the full 1/3rd genetic disposition to leadership, how can she get that additional 2/3rds? Well, that is what a comprehensive course on leadership should be all about.
So what about you?
As the boss you ask – “From all my potential candidates, which are the ones that have the 1/3 – raw leadership materials to start with? I don’t want to max out at 2/3’s if I start with one that has no genetic propensity or capacity to begin with.
Well, that is also what these articles are all about. Once you see and understand the whole leadership picture you will better judge which strengths are real and which weaknesses can be strengthened and which are impossible. Just like in basketball, where the 5’4” guy, no matter how fast or smart or how well he shoots, he will never be 6’11”. The individual that has no natural propensity for leadership has a very long way to go and may never reach a level of leadership as can an individual with personality, intelligence and the ability to associate with people.
That however does not mean the 5’ 4” player won’t be a great asset to a team, just don’t recruit him as your center or power forward. You may not have the 1/3 guys to develop anyway. As you are looking for the ideal candidates develop the ones you have into 2/3rds guys. A bunch of 2/3rds guys are certainly better than 1/3 guys. And probably a handful of 2/3rds guys is better than your competition.
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