Across Europe the renaissance not only gave rise to new forms of art, literature and music, but these cultural innovations fed a growing spirit of individualism and a desire for freedom from the strict tradition of authority.
The action adventure historical fiction, “The Conquest of Liberty” is an exciting exploration of a crucial period of history, a time when people across the world were struggling to assert their freedom and independence. It is a story of courage, perseverance, and sacrifice when individuals and communities fought against oppressive social, political and religious systems to claim their rightful place in the world.
You will meet both fictional and historical characters who’s challenge of authority and the legitimacy of their rulers, created a great transformation. This story resonates across time and space, reminding us of the enduring struggle for freedom and the human quest for dignity and justice.
The rich story reveals how the fight for freedom some 500 years ago laid the groundwork for our modern world. The challenges faced by the renaissance leaders for liberty from tyranny, is echoed today as similar powerful influences seek to destroy our liberty. Book one of the Conquest of Liberty will be released fall of 2023, with books two and three following behind months later.