Boost Your Marketing TargetLeads Triple Action Formula Direct Mail.
As we all pull out of a crazy few years marked by uncertainty, confusion, and the need for more focused marketing efforts, let me show you a few of the things TargetLeads is doing as they continue to lead the lead generation world.
Certainly, these past couple of years created challenges for all of us; but they also brought unique opportunities.
The world is witnessing supply chain disruptions in nearly every sector of business. Mail production and delivery are no exception. Although we’ve all enjoyed growth and success for many years, our clients depend on our consistent pioneering drive. We look at these recent disruptions as opportunities to continue to improve and innovate.
- These innovations include providing more efficient response options, including the ever-popular QR code where mail recipients can respond with a quick scan on their phone.
- Our new Jumbo Bi-fold format demands greater attention and provides additional room for messaging.
- The development of our proprietary profiling system helps us more highly target prospects who are most likely to respond.
The utilization of these three additions to our clients’ direct mail arsenal makes it possible to offset the disruptions which caused most lead generation efforts to suffer in the past.
Now let’s get into the weeds for a minute or two.
When shutdowns tore through the face-to-face sales channel and forced the sales world to change. We helped our clients pivot to refine their messaging to include technology-based meetings as a prime sales forum. We helped provide our agents with training and together we reached record response objectives.
Two major things changed: perception and reality. Everything else stayed the same. Agents who could pivot continued to do well.
Perceptions among the agent sales force and the perceptions among their clients combined to favor the courageous and undaunted agent.
The first perception change, which, of course, is founded on reality, was the need to interact with one another virtually. Safety was justifiably the top concern. As the population spent months adjusting to a new virtual reality, reaching potential customers through the mail became more profound, and direct mail volumes exceeded pre-pandemic levels. The reality that followed was the reality that direct mail proved its sustaining power once again as a powerful advertising medium. This pulled many fence-sitters back into the direct mail channel, thus increasing competition.
The perception of virtual-only contact did, however, frighten and dissuade others whose traditional sales habits couldn’t pivot. Their reality was less favorable.
As the reality that a former person-to-person dominant business could continue virtually was demonstrated, that reality replaced the erroneous perception that it couldn’t, and direct mail volume continued to grow.
At this very time of growth, a second unanticipated reality slammed into the direct mail recovery—that of the US Postal Service (USPS) supply chain disruption. A combination of USPS decisions to modify operations, along with the worldwide pandemic-related human workforce disruption, slowed, hampered, and set the formerly excellent service from the USPS on its head. Mail slowed, delayed, sputtered, and crawled from the post office to the homes of potential customers, and then slowly lumbered back in the form of responses.
A third reality that surfaced during this season of disruption was the entry of less savory organizations who figured out how to work virtually without the integrity expected from the newly virtual-oriented traditional person-to-person sales channel.
The misrepresentations from these unsavory groups drew the attention of government officials and in an effort to protect against such deceptions in advertising, officials have levied a heavy hand across the board – a reality creating a perception of fear among companies desiring to continue benefiting from the power of direct mail. This fear slowed other organizations’ innovations, but not TargetLeads. This new reality favors the brave.
So let’s get back out of the weeds.
Through all of this disruption, the team of TargetLeads kept the eye focused on wading through these weeds to help our clients maintain profitable response rates, reach the right targeted audience and get their messages safely into the hands of more prospects and get responses back more quickly and more cost-effective.

Let me introduce our three powerful tools which gained traction from our recent industry disruption.
The Jumbo, as we call it, provides more attention-getting power with so much more space to tell and sell. Response rates so far show a welcome improvement in response. With the additional leads per 1000 pieces ordered, the Jumbo Bi-fold easily reduces the cost per lead compared to the smaller Bi-fold.

Experience shows a consistent response rate and increased speed of response. Your clients simply scan the code with their phone and request that you contact them. This method shortens the time a prospect has to forget they requested your call. Our agents can respond faster and enjoy more success with these prospects.

Targetleads’ proprietary profiled mailing lists now screen out prospects that traditionally respond at a lower rate. Considerable testing demonstrates our ability to pre-qualify more likely prospects for you to reach. Rather than having you mail more, we actually help you mail better. Early indicators reflect an increase in response rates by up to half a percent for many mailings.
Speeding increased responses with the integrated QR response codes, grabbing more attention to your message with the new JUMBO Bi-fold mailer, and refining the effectiveness of your targeted audience with our proprietary profiled lists means You get More, for Less, Faster!

In addition to these three response boosters, our team has also refined our ability to help you maximize the power of postcards. Postcards are proving to be a powerful tool for workshops and seminars, as well as lead generation now that our QR codes are making up for the lack of a returnable card.
With nearly 40 years catering to agents, carriers, and agencies, there is no more capable team to help you choose the most effective messages, use carrier art or develop your own. We’ll help you target the right prospects and with our state-of-the-art lead management system TLLM, we help you maximize your lead management. We are also masters in helping you navigate co-op plans to improve your direct mail effectiveness.
At a young 38 years old, TargetLeads is continuing to set new standards in customer service, direct mail message development, and lead response innovation. Contact one of TargetLeads’ direct mail boosting professionals and get your leads flowing again.
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